
Impact of Enlargment of the Europen Union on the Development of Latvian Agriculture

Andris Miglavs, Danute Jasjko, Valda Bratka, Evija Leoke, Edgars Selickis, Armands Vēveris, Liene Dambiņa, Ludmila Fadejeva, Guna Salputra, Daina Saktiņa, Latvijas Valsts agrārās ekonomikas institūts (LVAEI)

This study outlines three different accession scenarios (assuming that Latvia will become an EU Member State in 2004): EU 100 – the full realisation of Latvia’s national position as defined for negotiations with the EU and reflected in the Official Position of the Republic of Latvia in the Accession Negotiations with the European Union on Chapter 7 “Agriculture” ; EU 0 – the full realisation of the position of the European Union expressed in the DCP published in April, 2002; EU SS – the full realisation of the EU 0 scenario with the amount of support paid on the basis of the simplified payment scheme proposed by the EC. Within each scenario, the impact of Latvia’s EU accession both on the overall development of Latvian agriculture and on the opportunities for the development of various branches is analysed. This study includes a large number of tables and diagrams which provide a quick overview of the potential development of specific branches of the economy, agricultural revenue forecasts, forecasts of the level of direct payments to agriculture, and other issues relating to the development of agriculture in the context of EU accession under different scenariuos.

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Latvijas Valsts agrārās ekonomikas institūts (LVAEI)


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