
Dairy sector in Latvia: outlook and challenges

Andris Miglavs, Agnese Krieviņa, AgroPols

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Dairy sector in Latvia: outlook and challenges 

Andris Miglavs, Agnese Krieviņa
Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics, 

Agricultural resources. Latvia. 2010
1,8 million ha of UAE, according to Latvian statistics
1,1 million ha green fodder area 
cattle - 380 thsd
dairy cows - 164 thsd. 
pigs - 390 thsd. 
Latvian dairy sector in 2011.                      Some figures
164 thsd. milking cows in 
27,1 thsd.herds 
842 thsd.tonns of milk produced 
695 thsd. tonns of milk marketed
240 thsd. tonns of raw milk exported 
168,3 mil. Ls (239,5 mil.EUR)- milk value from agriculture
179,4 mil. Ls (255,3 mil.EUR)– value of dairy products from food industry 
3000 – number of employees in processing industry
Dairy sector in...
Agricultural output
Output of food industry

Dynamics of primary sector...     2001=100%
Structure of dairy cows              by farm size class
Milk yield dependency on herd size
2-3 % of dairy herds produce  more then 50 % of milk sold on market
Dairy farms in EU countries: earnings, costs and value added, 2006-2008 in average
Value added per AWU, average 2006-2008
Farmgate prices in Baltic countries, standartised raw milk, 
Challenges for LV dairy sector
Continuation of change in dairy cow herd structure
More market oriented instead of subsistence farming 
Gaining the marketing power 
Bigger the volumes – stronger the individual market power and less  costs for the logistics
Marketing via Coops. Up and down. Joint long term benefit
Higher profit from the kg of milk sold  on the market 
Higher labour productivity
Better feeding solutions 
Efficient use of:
bull calves
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