
Baltic dairy sector: prospectives and challenges from the economist viewpoint

Andris Miglavs, AgroPols

Andra Miglava runājums pasākumā: XVI Baltic Animal Breeders and Genetics  Conference, Albert Hotel, Riga 2013/09/11" ### Lasāmai lietošanai pielikumā pievienots PDF fails.

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Baltic dairy sector:  prospectives and challenges from the economist viewpoint 
Andris Miglavs,  Dr.oec.
Agnese Krieviņa, Dr.oec.
Latvian State Institute of Agrarian Economics

For:  XVI Baltic Animal Breeders and Genetics  Conference, Albert Hotel, Riga

The role of milk production in GAO, the Baltic region, 2012
Recent growth trends of milk production in EU 
The growth in 6 EU countries
The fastest – in EE, like in 2012
Some trends in Latvian milk production sector, 2001=100%
Changing structure of dairy herd in Latvia,  2001-2010
Structure of dairy cows by size of herd
Milk farming structures  in the Baltic region, 2010
Development of industrial dairy product prices on some world markets, 2010-2013
Raw milk prices- Baltics + Europe, 24 months, standartized milk (p3,4; f4,2)
Raw milk prices-  LV, DE un NZ, last 24 months, standartized milk (p3,4; f4,2)
Different strategies to compete on the market-  intermediate consumption in the processing industry
Different strategies to compete on the market- quantity of milk processed per employee in the processing industry
“Efficiency levels and structures” of the milk farming in different  EU countries
Some efficiency indicators. Baltic region, FADN- milk specialised farms
Prospects for EU cheese markets. Source: EC, 2012 
Prospects for EU SMP markets. Source: EC, 2012    
Prospects for EU butter markets. Source: EC, 2012    
Some challenges for the Baltic dairy sector:
Should we believe in the milk market prospective?
Few crisis in recent years...
Some will do! 
Further structural changes in milk production
Need for investment
How to deal with the market risks... 
Obtaining a market power
Dependency in the free world market and also the retail chains
Will the Coops assist to deal with? 
More income from every litre of milk marketed
Higher labour productivity
More efficient feeding costs – obtaining and use  
Efficient use of:
That’s enough for a while... 



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